Pelican, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc
Atlantian Order of the Pelican

Mistress Margreta Gyllenstierna

No Picture Available Order of the Pelican

September 15, 2018 (AS 53)
No Device Image Available

Vert, a griffin passant between in pale two pomegranates Or.

Name registered with the College of Arms in October 2018
Device registered with the College of Arms in October 2018

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
9/15/2018 East Pelican
2/28/2009 East Grant of Arms
5/22/1999 Middle Award of Arms
5/4/2002 Northshield Court Baroness
9/27/2008 East Companion of the Maunche
3/6/2010 East Order of the Silver Crescent
5/4/2002 Northshield Royal Cypher
3/26/2005 East Golden Lyre
3/29/2008 East Golden Lyre
7/11/2015 East Consort's Award of Esteem
9/14/2019 East Consort's Award of Esteem
2/18/2002 East Carolingia Moon
3/21/2009 East Carolingia Moon
3/21/2009 East Carolingia Companion of the Daystar

There are 14 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pelican scroll for viewing.

Alternate Names: Aurelia Rufinia

Contact Information:
Mistress Margreta Gyllenstierna (Reidan Fredstrom)
baronessrufinia AT

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